Mental Health First Aid





About 1 in 5 New Zealand adults experience challenges with mental health in any given year.

This means that all members of our community can expect to have close contact with someone experiencing mental health challenges at some time. For this reason, the Mental Health First Aid Aotearoa (MHFA) course is relevant and beneficial to everyone. Evaluations consistently show that (MHFA) training improves understanding of the mental health challenges people experience, their options for treatment and helpful first aid strategies. Participants report increased confidence in their ability to offer Mental Health First Aid which enables early access to help. The training also decreases stigma and discrimination that many people with mental health and addiction challenges experience.

About Mental Health First Aid Aotearoa

Want to learn more about MHFA and what is involved?

MHFA is an internationally acclaimed and evidence-based, accredited training programmes that empower and equip individuals with the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to support a friend, family member or co-worker experiencing mental health challenges or a crisis. 

The (MHFA) Program began in Australia in 2000 and has since evolved into a global movement that is delivered by an active community of licensed providers in 24 countries.

In New Zealand Te Pou is the current host and licence provider of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). 

About Us

Please get in touch for pricing, info and bookings.

We would love to help you, help others